TALLAHASSEE TENNIS ASSOCIATIONOrganize, Promote & Grow the Sport of Tennis in Tallahassee |
How does a TTA membership help you AND the local tennis community?
*For the member:
Participation in TTA tennis leagues: Beginner’s League, Flex Singles League, Fall Doubles League
Reduced Entry Fee for TTA Tournaments: TTA Championships and Sweetheart Doubles Tournament
Discounts on clay court doubles fees with 10-play punch cards (11th play free) - check out the savings now!
Discounted entry to the Tallahassee Challenger tournament for the Friday night matches
Newly designed web site on the way with members only log-in
*For the member and the community:
Purchase court improvements that the City cannot afford, such as Forestmeadows and Tom Brown court shade structures, Tom Brown Park water fountain and Forestmeadows water cooler locks.
Financial Sponsor of the Tallahassee Tennis Challenger Tournament
In-kind Sponsor of Tallahassee Tennis Challenger Tournament by providing all Food Cart volunteers
Provide volunteers at Junior Tennis Events including Special Olympics
Support City of Tallahassee tennis at Springtime Tallahassee
Opportunity to frame local tennis policy through our City of Tallahassee and USTA partnership
TTA is only as strong as our membership base. We do an enormous amount work with a very small budget. If you would like to see the above benefits and programs maintained and/or expanded, please help us by becoming a member.
Tallahassee Tennis Association is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. PO Box 38415, Tallahassee, FL 32315